“Mainely” Names Drive Us Crazy!

Have you ever wondered exactly how many businesses here in Maine are named “Mainely” something? It’s horribly uncreative, a little stupid, and there are a MILLION of them!

We actually sorted through the Maine Office of the Secretary of State’s online database… and the results were shocking. There are almost 700 of these things!

We played a game of Hi-Low on Facebook to guess the number, and then we read every single one of them live. Every. Single. One!

"Mainely" High-Low!

Here's something that drives us crazy: How many businesses in Maine use the word "Mainely" in their name? We actually looked it up.. and it's wayyyyy more than we thought! Let's play a little game… comment with your guess for the number of businesses that use "Mainely" (or Maine-ly or Mainly) and we'll respond with either too high or too low. Let's see who can guess it!

Posted by Maine Memes on Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Ryan Reads All 661 Maine Business Names with "Mainely" in the Title

Have you ever wondered just how many Maine businesses use the word "Mainely" in their name? The actual answer is 661, and we're gonna read every single one of them. Buckle up!

Posted by Maine Memes on Thursday, May 14, 2020